Congratulations on pulling off an amazing show. Don't tell anyone ... but when 'Star Wars' first came out, I didn't know where it was going either. The trick is to pretend you've planned the whole thing out in advance. Throw in some father issues and references to other stories -- let's call them homages -- and you've got a series.
In six seasons, you've managed to span both time and space, and I don't think I'm alone in saying that I never saw what was around the corner. Now that it's all coming to an end, it's impressive to see how much was planned out in advance and how neatly you've wrapped up everything. You've created something really special. I'm sad that the series is ending, but I look forward to seeing what you two are going to do next.
Джордж Лукас в отворено писмо към продуцентите на LOST - Damon Lindelof и Carlton Cuse.
Този уийкенд е големият финал на култовия сериал. Няма да скрия вълнението си и очакването да разбера какво точно ще се случи. Когато преди две години продуцентите на шоуто решиха, че ще завършат историята в 6 сезона, впоследствие прочетох интервю с програмния директор на телевизия ABC, където той обещава, че финалът на LOST ще бъде нещо невиждано досега в историята на телевизията.
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