Login to Twitter. Login to Facebook. What you see is a world that you’ve constructed. These are YOUR “Friends”, the people you’ve chosen to follow. Or at least the people you’ve been guilted into following. These people shape your experiences of social media. They speak about things that matter to you, either because you know them personally or because you like the way they think. They speak like you. Or, more accurately, you speak like them. Cuz even though you might think you’re speaking to your “audience,” your sense of norms is based on the content you read. So, really, you’re speaking to the people you follow, even though they might not be the ones who are actually listening. You aren’t speaking to your “audience” but to the people who you like to watch. Your sense of what people do with social media is highly dependent on what you consume, how you consume it, and why you’re there in the first place. So is mine. The world you live in online looks different than the world I live in... Our worlds are different, even if the interface gives us the impression that they’re the same.
Откакто започнах работа отново, имам проблем със социалните мрежи. Нямам време да следя какво другите споделят и в същото време да връщам жеста, като споделям и аз. Доста дълго време не обръщах внимание и на блога си.
Проблемът ми се състои в това, че се чувствам задължен да бъда част от цялата тази дигитална плетеница. Докато в началото всичко беше продиктувано от любопитство, сега съм като пристрастен. Намалям дозата дневно, а абстиненцията се обажда всеки път, когато отворя браузъра.
Струва ми се, че пропускам. Какво обаче?
*Цитатът е изваден от статията "Do you See What I See?: Visibility of Practices through Social Media"